Dear boys,
as always we turn to you all in the certainty that the power of prayer of this small big family will also serve in this case.
as always we turn to you all in the certainty that the power of prayer of this small big family will also serve in this case.
We ask, all together, with a special prayer to Mary, our heavenly Mother, a particular look for our couple (I. & S.) in this moment of great concern for the little creature born on Sunday 19 October c.m.
The little girl (Maria Adele) is now hospitalized in the Bambin Gesù, in intensive care.
Mother is quite well but she only saw the girl for a few seconds before her father was transferred. She seeks comfort in prayer, her future life is at risk.
All children are important to parents but Maria Adele is a miracle for us and we ask you wholeheartedly to pray for us and for Maria Adele, in the hope that the Madonna to whom the child is entrusted will also give us grace...
Thanks in advance for your prayers...
I. & S.
For the staff
I. & S.
For the staff
Hello guys,
from the latest news received it seems that the sweet little "Maria Adele" has overcome, with her desire to live, a very critical moment, today she breathes alone without the help of a respirator.
We continue our prayers intensely to make the little girl and her parents feel all our affection...
Fr. Paolo & Staff