"Through the giving and welcoming of the spouses

The experience of this itinerary lasts 3 days, is in residential form, starts on Friday at 17.00 and ends on Sunday evening at the same time, with a maximum of 20 couples + 1 local couple with motivated needs.
It is walking together with strong moments of listening to the Word of God, of mutual listening and of experts, of fraternal welcome, of comparison between and with couples, of meeting with the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in the Eucharistic Celebration.
Through this experience of a small Church that meets and finds itself around the only travel companion Jesus, the boyfriends are given the opportunity to rediscover the Matromonio as a vocation and Sacrament.
The ultimate goal is to make each couple aware of their irreplaceable creative subjectivity within the Church, by presenting couples to their respective parishes to discern with their parish priest the path to continue in their daily lives.
If you want to take this itinerary ... come and see ...
Peace and love
Fr. Paolo Maiello

Fabio was Gi.Fra animator. of the Latin Immaculate Parish, is now a volunteer of the association "Misericordia Latina".
Christian, who followed the path Franciscan Youth for a few years, now devotes himself to full-time work. Thanks to them, we were "called" by the parish priest of the "Immaculate Latin" parish, Fr. Paolo Maiello, to accompany the couples on their way to Christian marriage.
In September 2000 Father Paolo was transferred to Cori (LT) in the "San Francesco Convent", the structure needed a lot of care and in my small way I tried to make myself useful together with the boys of the "Young Peace Educators", an association ONLUS, not for profit, born from a project of Father Paolo.
Thanks to this possibility, given to us by Father Paolo, we thank the Lord every day for multiplying our family, enriching it with many boys and girls, yesterday, travel companions, today, life companions present in our hearts and in our prayers...
Roby e Anna

Parents of 2 children: Giuseppina and Albertina, in turn mother of two children, Giulia and Matteo. With the beginning of the catechesis course of our daughters, we return to participate more assiduously in the life of the parish (not just attendance at Sunday mass).
This caused it to provoke a desire in us to understand where our faith was with reference to the Bible. An excellent gym were: school camps, pilgrimages, participation in the parish family group, staff members for the premarital journey, preparation of parents and godparents for baptism.
But why us at the pre-wedding courses? A certain fr. Paolo (then parish priest in Latina) said to us: "I need you as a couple". Humanly we would have willingly evaporated but the call was one and also the answer: "Here we are".